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We are a consulting firm helping businesses to capture the value of the circular economy

We are a circular economy consulting firm. We help businesses to map the benefits and capture the value of the circular economy. Since 2012, our consultants have conducted more than 250 circular economy consulting assignments. We are part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation community.

We assist companies in defining and executing a robust circular economy strategy. Learn more.

Circular sourcing

We help purchasing departments to adopt circular sourcing strategies to reduce costs, secure supplies and save resources. Learn more.

Circular factory

We work with production departments to better capture the value of industrial waste. Learn more.

We help logistics departments to improve reverse logistics performance. Contact us to learn more.

We assist sales and marketing departments in selling products more than once. Contact us to learn more.

We help businesses to fill the information gap to enable the transition toward a circular economy. Learn more.

Alternatives to plastic

We help companies to find alternative materials, packaging or distribution models to reduce plastic consumption for packaging. Learn more.

We help factories reuse, recycle and resell spent chemicals. Learn more.

We designed a circular framework to help our clients understand how far they are from becoming a circular company. Learn more.

Circular economy consulting - Conseil en économie circulaire

We deliver training to build our clients’ capabilities. Our training program features three modules that can be customised to our client’s needs. Contact us to learn more.

Switching to reusable packaging

Switching to reusable packaging

Pressured by increasing regulations, producers need to switch to reusable packaging. However, barriers to reusable packaging are multiple. How to switch to reusable packaging? And how we can help? Learn more.

Getting ready for the CSRD on resource use and circular economy

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires 50,000 companies in the EU to disclose data related to resource use and circular economy. What is ESRS E5, resources use and circular economy? How to prepare for the disclosure? And how we can help. Learn more.

We provide circular economy consulting services mainly to corporations, from a wide range of industries. We also work with territories and business associations. Our clients include:

GATE C offers a still very unique expertise in circular economy. Their advice and support on strategic and operational issues have been of a great value to me.

Sébastien Zinck, Eco-design Manager

Green Purposes Company logo

GATE C produced an important and authoritative report for us on the circular economy. Extremely knowledgeable, GATE C was a pleasure to work with.

Trevor Hutchings, Chair

GATE C has supported the Management Committee in designing our sustainable development roadmap. They received congratulations from the Board of Directors, who endorsed the chosen recommandations.

Laurent Dahmani, Secretary General

With the help of GATE C, we brought together more than 100 suppliers, buyers and prescribers for a day to design more circular equipment.

Martin Jégo, circular purchasing coordinator

Exponential demand for critical materials, driven by the energy transition, may trigger supply chain problems. Circular economy business models could help decouple the renewable energy sector from material consumption. However, facing major economic, regulatory and financial barriers, the transition of the sector towards a circular economy still has a long way to go. In our report for the Green Purposes Company, we propose an action plan for the renewable energy sector to be fully aligned with the principles of a circular economy and reap its benefits. Learn more.

The materials industry needs to transition to a circular economy

The materials industry is a major source of CO2 emissions. To reduce these emissions, it needs to transition to a circular economy.

Digitalising material flows

The power of digital technologies to enable the circular economy.

Developing countries have not benefited from the linear economy. Can that change with the circular economy?

Remaining at the top of the political agenda

We asked the former European Commissioner for the Environment, Janez Potočnik, how can the circular economy remain at the top of the political agenda.

Could circular economy help businesses face the worst recession ever?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, circular economy helped hospitals face supplies shortage. Can it help businesses face the worst recession ever?

Reverse logistics, the circular economy weakest link

Reverse logistics is sometimes described as the logistics going in the “wrong direction”. Yet it plays an important role to transitioning to a circular economy.

Waste watchers

For factories, applying circular economy strategies could create cost-saving opportunities and profitable new revenue streams.

Today, many factories are using energy service companies to improve their energy efficiency.
Tomorrow, they will very likely buy pay-per-use services to improve their resource efficiency.

Waste + Information = Resource

To maintain the value of materials and products in the economy for as long as possible, the circular economy needs to have access not only to waste but also to information regarding said waste.

Predictive maintenance

Thanks to predictive maintenance, products can forecast failures before they occur.

Circular molecules

The circular economy and digitalisation will be the two most important trends employed by Germany’s chemical industry as it moves towards 2030.

Thanks to remanufacturing, refurbishing and repair, products are not just consumables anymore, they become assets, our assets.

Plastic packaging

There wasn’t a lot of alternatives to plastic. Until now.

Circular sourcing

To improve material efficiency, purchasing departments could leverage circular economy.

Creating jobs, saving ressources

For decades, companies have improved labour productivity to reduce their costs. But, they should rather focus on resource productivity, and create jobs.

Reducing hospitals cost

Unlike many other sectors, hospitals have not yet fully optimised their production resources. But that can change.

Fixing broken supply chains

By implementing circular economy strategies, businesses could build more resilient supply chains

Book cover

Our book, in French, is a practical guide for companies willing to transition towards a circular economy. Read an extract here.

France Inter
Les Echos
La Tribune logo
La Tribune
Xerfi Canal logo
Xerfi Canal
Actu-Environnement logo
Actu Environnement
Ellen MacArthur Foundation logo
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
GreenBiz logo
Renewable Matter logo
Renewable Matter
Tech Monitor
Association of International Certified Professional Accountants logo
Financial Management
Décision Achat
L’Usine Nouvelle
Emballages Magazine logo
Emballages Magazine
Supply Chain Village
Radio Présence
Docteur Imago
Le Trombinoscope
Fédération du e-commerce et de la vente à distance

We offer proprietary tools and databases to accelerate and increase impact, such as:

Circularity indicators

Businesses need to define indicators to track their transition toward a circular economy. We help our clients set clear KPIs by choosing them from our repository of more than 100 qualified circularity indicators.

We use a digital platform to match waste supply from one industrial process with raw material demand from another. The platform leverages big data and machine learning technologies.

Reverse logistics maturity model

The model assesses the reverse logistics maturity level. It describes the characteristics of successful reverse logistics processes across multiple dimensions.

To help our clients design circular solutions, we designed the circular economy card game. Cards describe all the possible circular business models, circular products and circular ecosystems. View some cards (in French).

We have identified 5 business models that are generating resource productivity improvements.

We are a consulting firm specialised in circular economy. We have led more than 200 circular economy projects in the last 7 years.

Our team consists of former consultants of top-tier management consultancies who are passionate about sustainability and circular economy. We are located in Paris, France but work internationally. We want to be a leading catalyst for the global transition towards a circular economy.

GATE C is managed by Rémy Le Moigne. Rémy has conducted more than 100 circular economy consulting projects. He is the author of several award-winning books on circular economy. He regularly publishes insights for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, GreenBiz, etc. Before founding GATE C, Rémy was a partner of Deloitte supply chain strategy practice where he led projects in Europe and Africa.

GATE C is part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation community.

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